Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Matchmakers Can Be Annoying...

It seems like every time I start to be really good friends with a guy, everyone automatically assumes that we like each other or that we are going out, and I'm bombarded with questions.

NEWSFLASH, just because I am really good friends with a guy does NOT mean that I am attracted to him! Right now I am not interested in ANY of my guy friends, so keep that little tid bit in mind when your inner matchmaker starts to whisper in your ear!

I honestly just wish I could have ONE really good guy friend that I can talk to all I want without everyone asking "Oh do you like him?! Are you two going out?! WHEN'S THE WEDDING?!"...Yes, someone has asked me "When is the wedding?" -_-

So yeah....uhhh bye!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Man, I haven't posted in forever >.>

So! I'm gunna graduate. ._.

Usually right about now you would insert insane happy screaming.
What you get from me is a simple yay.
Not that I'm not happy about graduating...I am.
I mean no more school? Heck yeah!
But it also means I'm growing up...and I will have more responsibilities.
I have to find a college to go to. (I've decided to go for a language degree by the way)
And pretty soon I will have to move out, because let's face it, no one wants to be the 30-year-old living with the parents.
I still haven't decided on my graduation song, so if anyone has any ideas feel free to suggest.
I think I should pick something that's ME.
I've been thinking about doing a Japanese song...Like the classic Japanese instruments.
OR me and my sister were thinking about composing a song together,
her on the piano and me on the guitar.
BUT I don't know. So suggestions are welcome.

But anywayz, I have to go watch my lovely nephew.


Friday, March 25, 2011

The Last Days of Childhood...

So I am having the HARDEST time trying to think of what song I'm gonna have at graduation! How about you guys?

*Gags* may be wondering why I was gagging just then. Well friends, I'll tell you why, but I'll warn's nasty. *Clears throat* Mom and Dad totally just had a smooch-o-rama in front of me. EW! I mean, for real, they could at least have waited for me to leave the room before they sucked face!

Okay, moving on. Graduation is less than two months away. O_O Whoa, dude. WHOA! Two more months of high school, and that's IT! I'm kind of excited about it, but I still wish I could have a little more time. But still, NO MORE SCHOOL! Ahhh, how blissful that shall be! :)

Okie dokie, just thought I'd leave a little somethin' somethin' before going to bed! :D Good night, all!

Lots of love,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yearbook Class

So I'm in yearbook class right now......-_-

Lucky for me, Mr. Counts' laptop wasn't working today, so I didn't have to do anything today! YAY!!! You have no idea how stressful this class is for me. I feel super pressured all the time to do a good job. I think Mr. Counts has it out for me, because he's constantly on my case. -_-

Like right now for example, he just accused me of breaking his computer. I know he's joking and all, but for real...FOR REAL. He JUST accused me of breaking his camera! AHHHH!

Lucky for me, I got brownie points for taking an epic beyond epic picture of Carey doing shot put. AMAZINGGG! For real.


Okie dokie, adios amigos!

Lots of love,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Some things are just too good to NOT be shared.

Feast your eyes(and ears) upon this, readers and friends.

I give of my latest song obsessions.



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Turn To Vent...

I'm going to vent juuuust a wee bit, alrighty girls?

As you know, I love my job. I really do. I think I got super lucky to get a job that I not only enjoy, but that I'm also pretty gosh darn good at, too.

I think that's part of my problem, though. NO ONE talks to me at work. NO ONE. I have 2 people who talk to me that are friendly, nice, funny, and that I feel I can ask questions to without feeling stupid, and that's IT. Everyone else hates me.

I don't know if it's just because of me being good and having the managers tell me that in front of everyone or if it's because I'm still "The New Kid". Maybe it's a mixture of both those things. I don't know...all I know is that I don't like it one little bit.

That's not to say that I'm going to start failing at my job, because I'm not. If the two people that are nice don't work the same shifts as me, then I'll just keep my mouth shut and get the job done while being ignored. It's no big deal as long as I keep my eye on the prize(prize being lots o' money and free drinks).

I just wish I could fit in a bit more, you know? Being the outcast is no fun.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Isn't There A Dance Called The "Cha Cha"?

The current iPod playlist that has been playing nonstop in my room all day:

Time Stands Still - All American Rejects
One More Sad Song - AAR (All American Rejects)
Drive Away - AAR
Dirty Little Secret - AAR
Night Drive - AAR
Dance Inside - AAR
Can't Take It - AAR
Don't Stop Believin' - Glee Cast
Somebody To Love - Glee
No Air - Glee
Keep Holding On - Glee
Lean on Me - Glee
True Colors - Glee
We Might as Well Be Strangers - Keane
Untouchable - Taylor Swift
Sparks Fly - Tay Swift
The Story Of Us - Tay Swift
Rain Falls Down - We the Kings
Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble
Hold On - Michael Buble

I don't even know why I'm posting this, because it truly has no importance whatsoever! But oh well, I was bored, and this provided something to do.

So Tonya needs to post WAY MORE! :D All in favor, say I! *Bunch of little people in Kirstin's brain scream "IIIII!" while one emo one says "Uhhh...nay?"*

Have you ever wondered what things would be like if certain events in your life had not happened? I'm not saying I would change things, by any means! The big things that happened in my life have made me...well, ME! I totally would NOT be the same chick if I had not met Tonya or Amanda! ESPECIALLY Tonya! She's the one who made me be more open to my crazy side! She's the reason I'm not shy! Which is kind of weird that we switched places a little...She used to be outgoing, and I was it's the other way around. WEIRD!

Am I the only one who had that awkward stage from the ages 12-14ish? For real....ew. Not only did I not know how to dress, do my hair, put on makeup, or speak properly, but I just acted STUPID! I mean, I know I still act pretty stupid, but then, I WAS WEIRD! Ew...the memories are overpowering! *freaks out* At least I never got braces! :D Although, that ONE tooth of mine needs it! *touches jacked up tooth*

In response to Amanda's last blog about being little...I agree. I miss those days SO MUCH! I miss being able to wear ANYTHING I wanted to and still managing to be so stinking adorable! I could have a mullet, double chin, and a red face from crying and STILL LOOK CUTE! I mean, come on! LOOK AT THAT PICTURE! Aren't I cute?! :D *squeals at my own cuteness* Ahhh...the good ole days! *has a major reminiscing moment*

Wait a on earth did I go from talking about music to little kid pictures? I don't even know...but hey, my mind has gone through 100 different subjects in the time it took to write this. That's a girl's brain for ya! :D

Lots of Love,

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I miss the days where my Mom dressed me and did my hair. I miss being able to wear whatever and getting away with it. I miss how no matter how frizzy and fluffy my hair was, everyone thought it was cute. I miss being able to do anything I wanted in a picture and it be a decent picture, always.

Now days, things aren't like that. My hair doesn't look good unless I mess with it a good amount, I look terrible in candid pictures, and my clothes have to match my mood.

The Baby Days was the life. Not only was it easier with appearance, but the problems in life!

The biggest issues was never having enough attention. I was a huge attention hog. If people weren't looking at me or paying attention to me, I would force them to look. I sang, I danced, I talked endlessly...I was like the little orphan Annie of my day.

Why am I rambling about any of this? I have no idea...


Single, but Happy!

I just thought I'd share something that God REALLY showed me with what has happened within the past week...*cough* you two (Amanda and Tonya) know what I'm talking about I do believe.

He showed me that I DO NOT NEED A BOYFRIEND TO BE HAPPY! For real! I used to be so sickeningly mopey, and that would be ALL that I'd think about! "If I JUST had a boyfriend, then things would be better, I'd be happier!" Umm...WRONG! There are SO MANY GREAT THINGS ABOUT BEING SINGLE! I am now actually really happy with the fact that I'm single!

Another thing he showed me was that I was NOT putting God as my #1. In all honesty, my #1 has been boys. They were all I'd think about. You could call that boy crazy. Now, I realize how stupid of a thing that was to do! No boy will EVER EVER EVERRR love me as much as God does! No boy will ever sacrifice more than Jesus did! But I mean, if I already didn't put God as my #1, how much harder would it be if I had a boyfriend?

I honestly think that America's culture pressures teenagers to be in a relationship! It's got girls thinking "I've never had a boyfriend, so I must not be good enough." It's got you thinking that if you don't have a boyfriend, then something is wrong with you. Honestly, it bugs me more than anything when adults (especially Aunts and Uncles) ask me "Well why don't YOU have a boyfriend, Kirstin?" Since I've never had one, I'm surprised they haven't asked my parents if I'm gay.

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that I don't need a boyfriend right now. I have tons of friends who love me and who I enjoy being around, and that's enough for me! I know that I have a bunch of friends who I can go to if I ever need a hug or need to talk about whatever!

So goodbye, sappy/mopey/lame Kirstin!

The Single One

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Convention is tomorrow!! I'm super excited....and also super nervous, which is probably why I'm writing in this blog at 10:30 instead of sleeping. It's my first year going, and also my only year going, so I'm nervous. wanna do good so I don't embarrass myself and look back on it with the "If only I hadn't done that" thought. We all know how that goes. So anyways, I really hope I have a roommate that I know well. It'll be weird being roomed with someone you hardly talk to....which is kind of bad when you think about it because it's not very nice not to talk to someone a lot that you see everyday. I'll be gone for 5 days. I'm kind of glad to be away from the family though, even though that sounds really bad. It just gets kind of boring when you're with them ALL the time...maybe I'm just being a weird teenager when it comes to that. Anyways, now I'm rambling which is a clear sign that I need to go to sleep. (can you ramble while typing??) So, wish me and Kirstin luck at convention! (I wish Amanda was going T.T I won't see her for 5 whole days!!!) I love you Puma! So with that....Oyasumi! (Good Night) *Psst* that was Japanese by the way...Teehee! ^_^


Friendships and Encouragement

Wow...I haven't wrote anything this month? I'M SUCH A FAILURE! Cut me some slack, though; It's only the 6th. =P

Anyways, I don't actually have anything to say...

I'm super tired. I wasn't supposed to wake up until 9:30, and yet, here I am, eyes wanting to close, mind not being able to sleep.

Last night, I dreamed about working at McDonald's. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could still here the fry beeper, and in my dream, I was just watching cars drive by the drive-thru window and I was handing out drinks as fast as I could.

I think that's what you call an "unhealthy dream". That must be why I'm so tired; I didn't actually get any sleep, because I was "working" all night!

I really do enjoy my job so far. It's sort of hard trying to get in with the crew, though. It's a lot like school. Everyone has their groups and I'm the new girl. I'm SUPER thankful for the three people there who actually talked to me a lot and helped me without making me feel stupid.

Their help and encouragement that I would get the hang of it in no time reminded me a lot of the To Save A Life Bible study that the youth group at my church is doing right now. Before they talked to and helped me, I felt very alone and very unwanted. After they befriended me though, I had a lot more self confidence, I was more outgoing, and my nerves were calmed down a bit.

If I, a girl who already has a few friends, can feel lonely in a crowded work place and feel elated at the thought of attempted friendship, just imagine how we can make someone else feel; Someone who isn't as blessed as us to have a close-knit group of friends. All we have to do is reach out to them, show them that you noticed they were alone and you want to fix that.

Being a friend is just so simple! Wow...I love being able to apply my Bible studies to real life so obviously. =D


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yet Another.....

Okay, So I need to let some more stuff out. I apologize for my depressing stress-filled posts.
So my mom went into the hospital a couple months ago for A-fib. If you don't know what that is it's where the chambers of your heart beat irregularly. You have 2 chambers in your heart and it's where the top chamber isn't really doing full beats....It just kind of flutters and so the bottom chamber is beating harder and faster to try to even itself out and make up for the top. So when it does that you go into a-fib...yeah, it's kinda weird.
So, her chest started hurting yesterday really bad, and her arm was going numb. So they sent her to the hospital to make sure she wasn't having a heart attack. It wasn't a heart attack but she had to stay overnight. She's fine now that she's home. So, I had to go get her and take her home when she got was raining and stupid me I took the back roads to the you can guess from the last sentence that I had a wreck. I was going around the LAST curve before you get to the hospital and I didn't judge it right so I went a little too fast. So I went off the road and hit a wooden fence post that was sticking out from a torn down fence. It dented my back left side pretty bad. I was still able to drive mom home so that's good. At least I didn't total it, and at least it was my car, so they didn't lose their money to my stupidness. So anyways guess what that means? Working full-time for a while, yay!!.....yeah....So anyways, Dad got mad, I have to pay for it to get fixed, and on top of that convention is in 2 days!! Talk about freaking out. Not to mention how long it will take me to live this down.....

So, I feel like a bad driver now....So now that I've got that all out there, I hope that everyone won't make fun of me for it, or tell me what a bad driver I am because I already feel like it.....So I guess with that I will go....and again I am sorry for yet another depressing post. I will try to write happier ones in the future.


Here's To You

Here lately I've been contemplating why I, Kirstin Joelle Tucker, like giving and getting hugs so much. I came to this conclusion.

I like receiving hugs because they make me feel loved and safe, especially if the giver is a guy. I just feel like nothing can ever hurt me.

I like giving hugs because I hope that somehow I make people feel loved, too.

Sometimes I wonder if the people close to me really realize how much they mean to me, or if they think that they are JUST another person that I know. Sure, i'm not the nicest person out there and I don't always say the right thing, but I hope that my friends know that even if I am joking around with them and "teasing" them, I really do love them and I wouldn't be the same without them.

So friends, here's to you.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Love My School

Performance night at UCA was just as I imagined it would be, but better.

My first performance was the mixed quartet with Ashley, Jon, and Carey. I knew I would be nervous, but not as nervous as I got. I got so nervous that I started gagging. -_- Ew, I know. Anyways, we did pretty well. :)

Before me and Tonya went up for our duet, I was actually pretty calm. I wasn't gagging at least! We did okay, except my voice was shaking because my heart was beating so fast.

I think I have a singing superpower. Because I can be a nervous WRECK, but as soon as I walk through the doors onto the stage, I look like the calmest person in the world. Of course, as soon as I exit the stage and walk out of the doors, I'm freaking out like a loon.

Once I got completely done with everything but the large ensemble, I was so happy because I had no reason to be nervous! :D

I love UCA. It's THE school to go to if you ever need a hug! We are a hugging school, okay? Don't like it? Build a bridge and get over it.

UCA is the best school in the world, peoples. Just saying!
