Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yet Another.....

Okay, So I need to let some more stuff out. I apologize for my depressing stress-filled posts.
So my mom went into the hospital a couple months ago for A-fib. If you don't know what that is it's where the chambers of your heart beat irregularly. You have 2 chambers in your heart and it's where the top chamber isn't really doing full beats....It just kind of flutters and so the bottom chamber is beating harder and faster to try to even itself out and make up for the top. So when it does that you go into a-fib...yeah, it's kinda weird.
So, her chest started hurting yesterday really bad, and her arm was going numb. So they sent her to the hospital to make sure she wasn't having a heart attack. It wasn't a heart attack but she had to stay overnight. She's fine now that she's home. So, I had to go get her and take her home when she got was raining and stupid me I took the back roads to the you can guess from the last sentence that I had a wreck. I was going around the LAST curve before you get to the hospital and I didn't judge it right so I went a little too fast. So I went off the road and hit a wooden fence post that was sticking out from a torn down fence. It dented my back left side pretty bad. I was still able to drive mom home so that's good. At least I didn't total it, and at least it was my car, so they didn't lose their money to my stupidness. So anyways guess what that means? Working full-time for a while, yay!!.....yeah....So anyways, Dad got mad, I have to pay for it to get fixed, and on top of that convention is in 2 days!! Talk about freaking out. Not to mention how long it will take me to live this down.....

So, I feel like a bad driver now....So now that I've got that all out there, I hope that everyone won't make fun of me for it, or tell me what a bad driver I am because I already feel like it.....So I guess with that I will go....and again I am sorry for yet another depressing post. I will try to write happier ones in the future.



  1. Aww, poor tuna! I'm SO glad that you're ok, though. It's really hard to drive in wet weather, so don't beat yourself up too bad, ok? I love you!

  2. Tonya, we all make mistakes. You have nothing to live down. I totaled my mom's truck when I was 16. It was really bad at the time, but it made me a better driver. Sometimes things just happen. It doesn't mean you are a bad driver. I'm so thankful that you weren't hurt! You can fix your car, but there will never be another you! :) Love you!
