Tuesday, February 15, 2011


You could say I'm feeling stressed out right now. You could say that I'm so stressed out that I could cry. There's way too much stuff to do!

1 - I have to draw a really good picture for convention.
2 - I need to perfect my choir songs for convention.
3 - Tomorrow alone I have volleyball practice, school, and church.
4 - Thursday I have yearbook. Yearbook class is majorly stressing me out because I feel like I never get anything good enough.
5 - I have to think about "my future" (college, that is) considering I'm a Senior. :P
6 - I'm stopping here because this list could continue for a long time, and don't want to bore you.

Now all this might sound like nothing compared to people who are REALLY busy, but I hate feeling rushed. I feel guilty right now for sitting down instead of drawing that picture, or practicing my songs.

Now off to draw. -_-

Signed, a very rushed individual,

1 comment:

  1. Aww, poor Kirstin! Hang in there, girly. You're a tough cookie. Darn growing up! =P

    If it makes you feel any better, I've got a lot to stress over myself. I'm thinking there is where we need to start up on that good ol' fashioned praying.

