Thursday, April 28, 2011


If you all have read my last post, then I have a little bitty update.

As I forgot to mention, we sent my car to the Steva's, since their Dad is a mechanic! And guess what! I GET MY CAR BACK TOMORROW! He figured out that the problem was the spark plugs.

Believe it or not my friends, I know a little thing or two about cars. One of the things that ran through my mind when I was trying to figure out what the problem was, was that maybe the spark plugs were out. The reason I thought this was because my Mom's car recently had problems, and the problem was the spark plugs.

Just in case you're wondering, the spark plugs are VERY important. They are the reason that your car starts, and continually runs. My Dad tried explaining it to me once. As far as I remember, it goes something like this. The engine has a little thing that runs the gas to the engine. When the gas gets to the engine, the spark plugs make a tiny little spark, that makes the gas explode, which causes something to go up and down, making the engine run. That wasn't very descriptive, and you probably have no idea WHAT I'm talking about, but I tried.

When Mom was on the phone with Mr. Steva, she kind of said little tid-bits that indicated my car was okay. Then she said "I can have it back by tomorrow?!" And I bit my fist like the guy on "Enchanted", then waved my fists around in the air, trying not to be loud while whispering loudly "YES! YES! YES!"

As you may have noticed, I am really excited that my car is okay. I'm really happy that it was JUST the spark plugs, and we didn't have to replace the engine or something. So tomorrow I shall get Maddy back right before the Senior Banquet. Yes, I named my car Maddy. You don't like it? Deal.


Bad/Good Day!

Today was interesting, to say the least. Here's my day.

Wake up and get ready for school. I'm having and "okay" day so far, so I get in the car to go to school. I stop for gas, then continue cruisin' on down the road, singing along to Train songs.

I get RIGHT outside of Hartsville, and my hood starts shaking. I'm just thinking "Oh, it'll go away." Then I hear this LOUD banging noise every time I press down on the gas pedal. I pull over into someone's driveway, having a freak attack in my mind. I'm instantly thinking things like "Oh no, this is like a horror movie where someone's car breaks down right before they get murdered." Yes, I really thought that.

I grab the phone, get out, pop the hood, and call Mom since I didn't have my Dad's number. She didn't pick up the first time, so that made me freak out even MORE! She picked up the second time, I tell her what's wrong and she says the little "OH Sissyyyy!" and she tells me to call Dad. I call Dad, he doesn't know what's wrong with it, so I call Mom back. She tells me to wait for her to come get me.

So I'm sitting in my car, TRYING to calm down. I call Tonya to let her know that I might not be at school. When I'm talking to her, I start to cry, so I told her bye. I looked at myself in the mirror, and told myself to calm down.

When Mom finally gets there, she's all rushing around, freaking out. Some dude pulled over to help push the car out of the driveway. Well we finally got it out of the driveway and Mom took me to school. When I got there, I still was kind of freaked out by all that happened, so I stayed away from people until I calmed down, or else I'd start crying.

Being at school put me in a better mood, and calmed me down a bunch! :D

After school, me and Mom went to Gallatin to shop for MORE stuff for Senior Banquet and graduation, and I ended up getting some cool stuff for myself.

So a bad day turned into a good day because of my awesome friends and cheap prices! :D

Moral of the story: Don't let one bad thing ruin your whole day.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

*sniff sniff*

I love the smell of soap!

Not to mention the sweet aromas of brownies, grass, Ryan, banana flavored candy, pencil shavings, chicken barbecue, sweet pea lotion, fresh mud at a soccer field, clean clothes, and the sweet ocean air.

Yay for a schnoz that can appreciate the smelly things in life!



I have just noticed something recently, and I am NOT happy with it.
I have realized that whenever I hear a curse word now I don't think much of it...WHY?!
I have been working at my job for 2 years now. When I first started, they wouldn't curse as much around me seeing as I was younger. Now they don't care as much. Is it because I'm 18?
And when did I start not caring?! Why am I not totally disgusted at the sound of a curse word?
I am ashamed of myself.
And I will probably be hearing more profanity with my new job too.
I have also been thinking about my daily life. I have realized how bad I've become.
I take pleasure in WAY too many worldly things lately.
I've developed a personality that I don't like. I go with the flow a lot. I follow people when I should be following God.
Do I really want people to like me THAT much?! Why does it matter to me?
Shouldn't God matter more?

This is why I need your help. If you see me doing or saying something I shouldn't, tell me!
Please! I need it! If I'm going to keep my life on track, I need support. If I try it on my own I will fail.

I want to be a Christian example to those around me. Especially at work. But I need to be right myself to do that. So if you are my friend and you love me, help me.

~ Tonya

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


With the Spring weather that's been going on, I've been reintroduced to the blood-sucking bugs that I loathe so fiercely.


Mom left the front door open when darkness was descending, and a myriad of those nasties came rushing in. The kitchen light is surrounded by them, and I was ducking and swatting when trying to retrieve the Cheez-its. Thankfully, I survived.

I don't think you understand how much I hate them. I am so paranoid about mosquitoes that I took the mosquito repellent and completely doused my bedroom door with it. Sure, it now smells weird in my room and it burned my eyes for a short while, but at least I'm not getting the big, itchy sores that mosquito bites bring!

All I can say is...Thank God for bug repellent.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lame-o nothingness post

I'm getting SO super nervous about everything coming up. License, senior banquet, graduation, Summer...good gravy, it's almost overwhelming!

If anyone has any tips they'd like to share as to how to better keep my cool and what to expect during a driver's test, I'd be most appreciative to hear them.

Iffin' no one minds, that is. ;P


Friday, April 22, 2011

So I like noodles....what of it?! O.O

*ahem* I Tonya Michael have FINALLY picked a graduation song!
Thank you, Thank you *bows*

Okay so maybe that was a bit much, but I am really happy
that I finally picked a song...
And ya...that whole flying noodle thing?...I have no idea...
Oh come on, you know you laughed ^.^

~A happy noodle~

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Rather Disgusting Post

Oh, how I miss the days when I was never nauseous, and the only time I ever felt like puking was when I was extremely sick.

For real, I have such a weak stomach nowadays. You spin me around a couple of times, I get nauseous. I see something icky looking, I get nauseous. I smell something weird, I get nauseous. I think you get the picture. I get nauseous a lot! I never actually throw up, which is good.

So I was eating my lunch today while watching part of a movie, and at one part the girl had a plate of food that looked SUPER DISGUSTING, and I lost my appetite completely. I knew if I took another bite, I would hurl. It was....ew. My stomach feels weird now that I'm thinking about it. :P You think I'm kidding, but I'm really not.

Okay, I'm done talking about that gross subject. Just thought you all should know not to purposely eat something around me that looks like something barfed on your plate. :)

Ms. Weak Stomach

Monday, April 18, 2011

Daisy Bell!

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy, all for the love of you.
It won't be a fancy marriage.
And we can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet,
Upon the seat,
Of a bicycle built for two."

I've had that song stuck in my head ALL DAY LONG.

I love it.


People, people, people...

I hate drama. Specifically, boy drama.

I have something I would like to advise to you gals reading this. *clears throat* If you have guy friends, don't think that there's no chance in the world that one will like you. To make it more clear, don't flirt (or whatever you want to call it) with your guy friends thinking that you can do it without any consequences. If you have guy friends and there is no drama, then you are blessed.

I really hate that nowadays if you have a good friend who is of the opposite sex, then other people automatically assume that there is a romantic interest. Can't two people be best friends without adding that extra drama? It's like people WANT to make the two of you feel weird around each other.

I'll give a little itty bitty example. I have a really good guy friend. People, family even, think that I like him. No matter what I say, my family thinks that I'm lying. It's pretty stupid that my family thinks I would lie about something that stupid. They think that just because I feel comfortable around him and I hug him then I like him. -_- Two words. Stue pid.

People irritate me, and it seems to only get worse the older I get.

Sorry for rambling. I just needed to get some stuff out.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I totally just tried to put on mascara...with my glasses on.

Being blonde is such a challenge sometimes.



Monday, April 11, 2011

Tossin' Rocks At My Window

You want to know something really cheesy that I've always dreamed of?

You know how there's the stereotypical thing of boys tossing rocks at a girl's window? I've always dreamed of that happening to me, even though it's next to impossible living way out here in the middle of nowhere.

But somehow, I still have that little glimmer of hope that it's going to happen one day, even though the boy might be faced with my Dad holding a gun. :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


To those of you who have failed to notice, SOMEONE has added a shnazzy new picture to our blog. -->

Is there anyone else out there who loves it as much as I do? It seriously makes me hungry.


Hear that? That was my stomach wanting to eat a picture.



Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kirstin, The Baby

Today at UCA, I almost broke down crying. O_O

I was walking around after choir, and one person came up to me, gave me a hug, and said "I'm really going to miss you next year." Dude, I have never tried that hard not to cry. And then on the way home, I cried a little bit because I kept thinking about how things are going to change. I mean, I really don't want to lose contact with any of my school friends, especially the other Seniors, but it's really inevitable. We'll all move on and most of us will forget about each other.

I'm still excited about graduation, but I really really am going to miss people. There's something about UCA that always makes my week a million times better, and I don't know what I'm going to do without it.

On my way home, right after I stopped crying about the changing, then I started crying AGAIN because of the Armistead's moving. I am really really going to miss them. :(

*wipes tear...literally* Gosh, I need to stop being such a baby. =/

Lots of Teary Love,


Senior banquet is coming up and I am SO EXCITED!!!

Of course, I'm also nervous because I don't know what exactly to expect, but I'm mostly just excited. =]

It will probably be the last big dinner that we will ever eat as Seniors in high school. There's going to be a lot of things that will be our last times doing as official Seniors. It's sort of sad, but mostly just awesome!

Speaking of sort of sad, why must everyone cry at graduations? Shouldn't they be happy occasions? The day to brag that you made it through high school in one piece and you're ready to start the rest of your life? Why must that bring sad tears? If anything, we should be crying tears of joy! Tears of triumph! Tears of bliss!

I can't wait to see all of my friends in their gowns. We're going to look so grown up and spiffy! I hope they aren't some really horrible colors. What if they were like mustard yellow and some type of off shade green? I think I'd puke. Like, for serious, people....

AND THE PICTURES! Oh my goodness, there are SO many pictures coming up in my future! Apparently Senior banquet is a night of pictures, then group Senior pictures, single Senior pictures of myself, then maybe TAKING a few for other's crazy. For the next 2 months, we are the biggest celebrities around.

I could go on and on about this, but I won't, mostly because I have to go to work. If anyone would like to post about their graduation experiences in a comment, that would be awesome. You know, give a bit more insight on what to expect and such. =]


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Graduation Is Right Around The Corner

I'm getting super pumped about graduation! Just imagine wearing those graduation gowns, lookin' all adorable! It's going to be awesome...and scary...and really emotional for me. :D If you, the reader, are going to be at my graduation, don't be surprised when I cry. Notice I didn't say "IF I cry", I said "WHEN I cry." There is no doubt in my mind that there will be tears shed, especially when I'm giving my little speech. Dude, I'm getting teary thinking about it! Chill out, Kirstin! Gosh! *face palm*

Of course, it will be sad that I won't see my UCA peeps very often! That I will miss a lot. I'll miss walking through those doors on Thursday to see smiling faces, and people running to me for a hug! I'll miss going from person to person hugging them, making sure I don't forget anybody. I'll miss being able to sing in the choir, feeling like I belong to something. I'll miss the butterflies I get in my stomach right before going on stage to sing. I'll miss playing on the volleyball team, and feeling the victory after blocking a spike.

I WON'T miss the schoolwork.

I really really really really really hope that somehow they will need someone to help out with something next year at UCA, because I would be the first to volunteer! I would love to help out with anything next year, just as long as I would get to see my friends! If not...I'll visit every once in a while, and will come to any singing event ever!

Your Senior Friend,

The Rambler

I was just sitting here thinking, when I had this thought.

"Kirstin, you should really have Amanda take pictures of your weird poses. Like walking through the hallway trying to be quiet and ninja-like."

If anybody has seen me do that, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's not something that you can easily forget. It's hilarious, stupid, and kind of creepy. I can't do it with a straight face, just because I know it looks really ridonkulous.

I remember once I was walking in a mall talking to one of my friends (I forgot which one) and I said a word in a really weird way, and some guy who heard me looked at me, repeated the word, then shook his head like I was a weirdo or somethin'. It was kind of rude, but still humorous.

Hey, guess what I did yesterday out of boredom? Well I'll sure tell you! :D Ryan was at the soccer fields, and my Mom was in Gallatin, so I was home by myself. Facebook got boring, I couldn't think of anything that I hadn't already done inside. So I put on my work boots, ventured outside to the tool shed, and I RAKED LEAVES FOR FUN! -_-

I think I might have OCD. O.o If there are a few pencils next to eachother, I can't stand seeing them out of order. I sort them from tallest to shortest, tallest closest to the paper. If someone's shoelace is untied, it will bug me to no end until they tie it. If I get into a cleaning mood, I clean so stinking thoroughly. It's quite shocking, really.

How the heck did I go from creepy poses to obsessive compulsive disorder? I really should work on not rambling. *shakes head and walks away*


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have been feeling totally NOT smart lately...I know that I don't have a genius' brain, but I wish I felt like a had an average one at least. I've been studying to take the ACT and I've been doing algebra and geometry test problems...At best I got 3 out of 7 right...I mean come on! I guess I really do have a bad memory, because you'd think I'd at least remember a little bit of what I learned when I took algebra! I did even worse in geometry...

I feel like everyone is so much smarter than me. Kirstin helped me with some math that I had worked 2 hours on and couldn't figure it out and she got it on the first try. And have you seen some of the stuff Kirstin and Amanda have been posting? Not just here but on their personal blogs. I mean why can't I be smart enough to think of some of this stuff? I'm not saying I dislike them for it, the stuff they post helps me in life. And I hope I'm not coming of as jealous. I just wish I could be the one helping someone with my thoughts sometimes...

~A not so average Tonya~

Monday, April 4, 2011

Why Change?

You know something I noticed? When some girls like a guy, they try changing themselves to make them more attractive to that guy. For example, lets say a girl likes a guy who is obsessed with video games. The girl will probably either try to learn about games the boy likes, or tell the boy that she LOVES video games, so the guy is more open to her. Or she knows that the boy only likes girly girls, then she'll make herself more girly. You know what I mean?

The only changing we should ever do to ourselves is make ourselves more Christlike, because if the guy only likes you for your interests or looks, it WILL NOT LAST! A teen's interests change like *snap fingers* THAT, and looks will most definitely fade away. Don't try to change yourself to make yourself "perfect" for that guy, because if he truly loves you, he's going to love you no matter what. I forget that all the time.

It's very hard for me to remember that everything is in God's hands. It's so easy to forget that He's in control of everything, including your future spouse! I spend too much time thinking about who "the one" is, that I forget God knows who that one is. God will reveal that guy to me on His time, and I need to stop worrying that I'm going to miss it! I don't need to date other guys to find the right one, God is just going to have to show him to me when the time is right. I have confidence in that.

Lots of Love,

Sunday, April 3, 2011


For those of you who don't know, I will be taking my license test at the end of this month.

Am I nervous? Heck yeah, I am! Seriously. I have SO much pressure going on, because everyone I ask says how easy the test is, meaning that if I fail it, I will suck at life.

If I can just keep my cool though, I think I'll do fine. I just know that once the day of the test arrives, I will be SO shaky and panicked with nerves. I was a mess from just a permit test; This will be DRIVING...with a LEBANON. That previous sentence was basically a heart attack in words.

I would actually REALLY appreciate some prayers, guys(or rather, gals...). I need to find me a good vehicle of my own to drive and I also need to get my confidence boosted quite a bit. I'm getting sick nervous just thinking about all of it...



So I'm thinking of using The Call by Regina Spektor as my graduation song.

Thoughts or comments?
