Thursday, December 22, 2011

Family time?

So, I haven't ranted in a while, and let me tell you now this is going to be rant city right now. So, don't feel obligated to read this, I just need to get it out....

You know how you can always tell who the favorites are? Well it's not me. Why is it that I'm always the one who seems to do something wrong? Even when I'm not doing anything! People wonder why I don't like going to Indiana to see my dad's side of the family...and this is why. It's like I can't get rid of the child persona that I was labled with when I was 11. My Grandmother is a control freak and I'm always the one who seems to mess up her style...or to say I'm the only one who gets stuff said to her about it. I like to do things at my own pace, and apparently it doesn't quite work with my grandmother's. I'm freakin 18. I'm freakin in college, but apparently I can't be trusted not to mess something up by my grandparents. I always try to mind my own business when I'm here. I don't like to talk very much. I keep to myself drawing, reading, etc. Yet I'm always the one who does something. Can you tell me how that's possible?! Cuz I sure cant. Times like these I wish I was more outspoken. Not that I don't love my dad's side of the family, and not that I don't know that they love me, and maybe it's because I only see them once a year...I don't know. I just hate that I'm the ONLY one who feels like I can't do anything around here. Like I'll always be the 11 year old kid who gets in trouble for doing something I didn't even mean to do. I wish I could just hole up somewhere....

Again sorry for ranting....You're a good friend if you actually read all of this.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Kiss Me (The song...don't really kiss me.)

Was bored tonight, had to get out my energy in some way. Here's the outcome.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm singing quietly. I have a semi-sore throat, so that's my excuse.

P.S. - This is like the only song I know on the uke, because I really love this song and I listened to it a lot as a kid. Seriously, a LOT!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Okay, so I know I haven't posted in forever and a day. I'm surprised I haven't been kicked off yet haha! BUT, I need opinions. I am thinking about re-doing my own personal blog. Making a whole new one since I haven't posted on my other one in FOREVER!!! This time I would try to post on it as often as I can. What do you think? Should I do it or no? Would anyone read it if I posted?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Need. Encouragement. Now.

Well, to be honest, I've just really been down in the dumps lately. I don't really have any excuse to be, I just haven't really felt that great. It's mainly just this way when I'm at home, because my friends always make me cheerful, but it's like the moment I get home, all happiness exits and I just feel horrible. I keep getting to the point of tears over nothing, and I basically am just moping around my room most of the time.

I mean, I've been this way before, but the fact that it's lasted more than a couple of days really sucks. Just say a prayer for me when you can.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

What's New With Puma

1. I'm such a huge klutz. I wonder why God intended for me to have such trouble doing everyday normal things. I fall down the stairs on a regular basis, I run into things, I trip over nothing, I hit my head on our ceiling beams, etc. Take tonight for example.

I was at the park. My brother, my boyfriend, and myself were standing outside of my car, preparing to say our farewells. As Jesse and Ryan were standing off to the side saying goodbye, I took that time to straighten back up my reclined driver's seat. Dummy me leaned in much too far and pulled the lever, thus making the seat swing up FAST and smacking me hard right in the shnoz!

It hurt sooo bad, and I honestly thought my nose was bleeding. It's still throbbing at this very moment, and it's been more than 2 hours since I was whacked! Point of this random story? Don't be me.

2. This week is going to be super busy, and I'm looking forward to all of it except for Wednesday. That morning, I will be taking a COMPASS test in Hartsville to see if I can get into LPN classes this January. I am SO SUPER NERVOUS! If ya'll could pray that I somehow manage to get through that test alive and do well, I would greatly appreciate it. I think I'll go study some more after this...

3. I have a $10 iTunes gift card that I have yet to use, because I haven't got a clue as to which songs I want! I mean, sure, there's about a thousand and one that I WANT, but which ones are the ones I need to have right this minute? Choices, choices...Maybe some Nevershoutnever? A little Buddy Holly? Some Jason Mraz, perhaps?

4. I have decided to decorate my computer monitor with all of my old theater tickets. It's pretty sweet looking, not going to lie. In order for me to completely cover the sides though, I'm going to have to go watch some more movies. Sigh. What an expensive decoration!

Adios! -A

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Life, and All It's Rad Happenings

Christian friends are the bomb.

It's pretty much the most awesome thing ever to be able to talk to other people about God, what He's been teaching you, and stuff like that. This summer has been so amazing because our youth group is so much closer, and I learn way more stuff at church than I did before. We've gotten to the point where we are actually sharing what God is doing in our lives, and it's SO COOL! I love that almost all of our conversation consists of Godly things. The other stuff we talk about seems so petty and useless, that it honestly bores me and makes me want to leave.

God is so incredibly amazing. 'Nuff said.


Friday, July 29, 2011

A Blog of Gratitude

God is so good.

That's really all I can think whenever I think about the youth group at my church. Lately, we've all been growing so much in the Lord and as friends, and it just makes me so happy.

I'll be honest; I think of myself as a mediocre Christian, and that's not how I want to be at all. I want to be on fire for Him always, but that's not an easy thing to do when there are so many distractions going on in the world. That's why I love how my youth group has suddenly had this spark set in their hearts and minds. A spark to become a better group as a whole and to do more to share His love with others.

My friends have no idea how much they help me with life. Guys, thank you.

Love, A.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

This is a random post.

Today, I want people to feel good about themselves. I want to hear positive comments, pleasant ideas, and joyful feedback.

I want to hear happy stories, sunshine-y thoughts, and spiritual uplifting.

I want to make today an extraordinary day like God intended it to be.

Make the most of today, my friends; Do something inspiring. ♥


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Restless Evil

James 3:3-9

"3 When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 4 Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. 7 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness."

"No human being can tame the tongue." That is so extremely true, especially in this day and age! All the time, we're so surrounded by harshness and gossip, that it's tough to guard your tongue. I have a MAJOR problem with keeping my mouth shut. Sometimes I'll just be talking and nonchalantly say something rude to someone, without even thinking about it first. Most of the time, it doesn't even bother me. I didn't even realize how bad it had gotten until the about a month or two ago. When I realized how I could be totally rude, and not care a bit, I felt so convicted. Since then, I've been trying to talk less and less, and to actually think about what I'm going to say.

I guess with learning to guard your mouth, an easy way to get better at it is to practice around your family. I don't know about you, but sometimes I am so mean to my family. But I don't want to be one person at home and a different person with my friends. I've seen people do that and I don't want to live my life that way. If I can be all nice and sweet to my friends, then I can try being just as nice and sweet to my family, even though it's kind of tough at first.

I'm going to ask for your help in this, more than just praying for me. For all of my friends who read this, please just help me in this area. If you hear me say something rude to someone or about someone, PLEASE say something to me about it!

Basically, I was just rambling in the above. Sorry about that! But yeah, that's my two cents for the day!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My God is Mighty to Save

Basically, I've been failing at keeping up with my blogs. I've been so stinking busy this summer, which is a blessing, but it has it's rough moments.

If I could say one thing that I really want to say right now, it's this. God has really been working in me this summer! He still has a lot of work to do with me, but my thought process has changed so much in these past two months! This whole entire summer has been such a blessing! With going to the AMAZING Totally His Youth Conference, having the S.P.L.A.S.H. thing last week, and just a bunch of other awesome stuff, it's like life couldn't get much better!

In a week and a half, I'm going to Grace Baptists church camp! I'm going to be a CIT (Counselor In Training), and I couldn't be more excited/freaked out! It's definitely going to be a good learning experience. I'll have to lead at least one devotion with the 8 girls in my cabin, and I'm so excited about it, if not a little nervous. I hope I can be a good influence in these girls' lives, and that I can be a blessing to them! Pray for me, please!

Well I'm off to bed to hopefully sleep off the sickness I recently acquired!


Monday, July 11, 2011


So i'm at our SPLASH retreat at our church. I am having so much fun it's insane! We just got back from our mission project for this morning. We are having backyard bible club for the kids, and let me tell you, they are so stinking cute!! ^•^ we only had 3 today though. Yesterday my team went door to door trying to raise money for crisis pegnancy center. It's really interesting sometimes to see how people treat you and how they live. It helped me come out of my shell and get used to talking to people I don't know. I love our college team. They are so funny! But since I haven't posted in a while I thought I'd tell you about SPLASH. I hope God works in our lives and helps us grow more in Him. So that's all I have to say. If anything awesome happens I'll be sure to post about it!


(by the way that is my nw nickname dubbed by David Dooley)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I don't know why you say goodbye...

Farewells...why must they be so bittersweet?

Why must amazing days spent with loved ones end on such sad notes?

Who decided that saying "goodbye" was the right thing to do?

Couldn't we all just say, "Until next time, which will be very soon."?

Or maybe even, "I love you! Don't leave."?

Is it so crazy to wish that great times with family and close friends could be saved and copied, so that they may be relived another day?

*sigh* Oh, how I hate saying farewell...


Thursday, June 16, 2011

And so, I shall post.

I am under the impression that if anyone is cool enough to click on the following WORD, they will be able to receive a small insight into the epic awesomeness that was today.

If anyone chooses to disagree with the above opinion, they will forever be known as "noobs".

That is all.


(P.S. PLEASE edit and upload all of those videos, Tuna Baboona!

Sun, Fun, and...Puns?

Good gravy, am I the only one who posts anymore? -_-

Well, if anybody is even going to read this then I shall let you know that I have been having a great summer so far! I thought it would be super boring and that I'd have nothing to do, but every day this week I have hung out with at least one of my friends. So this summer hadn't been nearly as dreadful as I imagined!

On Monday I'm going to EIG! :D For those of you who are completely oblivious as to what EIG is, it is a week-long youth conference. It's basically like a camp, though, because it's not all just listening to sermons. From what I know, we get to play sports and swim and stuff, as well as listen to sermons. I'm SO excited! :D I get to go with a lot of UCA people, so I'll get to spend time with them! :D *rejoices*

In other news, my kitten is being so stinkin' annoying right now because she won't stop attacking my toes! It tickles, then hurts, then tickles again. I don't know if I should kick her away or just cuddle her!

In OTHER news, I went to hillbilly days today with Amanda and Tonya. Some...INTERESTING things happened, and now my night is kind of blah. I'm really bored and not tired, so it'll probably take forever for me to fall asleep.

I'm going to try to make fabric roses now. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Sweet lullaby dreams,

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I don't know why, but I keep having this feeling that something GREAT is going to happen soon. Call it my optimistic nature, but I'm never THIS optimistic! I keep randomly getting butterflies when I'm not thinking about ANYTHING butterfly-worthy, and I'm a lot happier at times when I have no reason to be happy. I feel like everything is working out for me, even though nothing has happened.

I guess this is what true peace feels like.


Friday, June 3, 2011

The Unemployed

Everyone is getting jobs, it seems. I mean, Tonya has had a job for forever and now she has two jobs, Amanda has had one for a couple of months, Ryan has had a job for a couple of months, Jesse is starting on Sunday (or Saturday, I forgot which), David got a job, Chelsea got a job, and people at church are looking for jobs. Dude, this summer is going to be poop. My main hangout peeps have jobs, so they aren't going to have much time at all to hang out. *depression face* Way to make me feel left out, guys. On the days that you all are working, I'm going to be sitting at home by myself with NOTHING to do.

I know what you're thinking. "Well if she'd get a job, then she wouldn't be complaining about it." I would if I could.

Hey, guess what? VBS is next week! :D For anyone reading this who doesn't go to our church, from 4:30-7:30 is the teenagers VBS. It's SO AWESOME! We usually do these awesome games every night, and we do messy games too! :D You should come if you can! It's at First Baptist Church of Lafayette! :D


Thursday, May 19, 2011


Since the other two authors of this blog are ALSO graduating tomorrow (, considering it's 1 AM), then I can trust that they are as nervous/excited/sad/crazilyemotional as I am!

Today was awesome, even though my emotions were everywhere! Today was my last full day of being a highschooler. Today was the last time I sang with the choir as a part of it.

I feel so grown up...and I'm not sure that I like it. Of course, I'm only 16, so I'm not THAT grown up.

I really really really really REALLY hope that Mr. Counts will let me come back and help with choir or drama or SOMETHING next year! If he does, I will be so tremendously happy, because I will still get to see my AMAZING friends at UCA! It would be SUPAH weird though, 'cause if I do help with choir, then I will be teaching a few kids older than me. O_O Whoa.

Anyways, this is probably my last blog post as a high school student. No longer will I be "Kirstin the Senior". Imma be "Kirstin the ALUMNI BABAY!" Yes, you have to call me that. Be sure to add the "BABAY", because it creates the whole effect.

*sigh* If you could have seen my emotions the whole day, I would probably be put in a mental institution. No lie. First, I was SUPER excited and totally pumped about graduating! Then, I got kinda caught up in the "I'm going to miss you SO MUCH!" phase. Then at rehearsal I was getting the nervousness feel. Then I was excited, then back to nervous, then I totally forgot about everything because I was watching a movie. THEN, oh my gosh, about an hour-ish ago, I was reading my yearbook autographs/paragraphs for like the tenth time, and I started crying. -_- I'm still kind of in that mood where I don't know if I should just bawl my eyes out or if I should just go to bed.

For those of you who are going to be at graduation tomorrow, be prepared to see tears, because they will be falling from this girl's eyes. I hope other people cry though, because it will make me feel better about crying. So, if you're reading this before my graduation....DON'T BE AFRAID TO CRY! I'm going to try my very best not to look at anybody while I'm talking, because I know if I do, I'll break down.

I'm so nervous about my speech. I'm hoping that as long as I have it written down, then I'll be able to get through it without crying. I'll already be majorly choked up from Dad talking and from the previous Senior's families! But that's the downsides of being next to last.

If I start crying, there's no "give me a moment", that just will not work for me. If I start, there's no way that I'm going to say anymore.

Okay, enough of this rambling nonsense. I'm going to bed. PRAY FOR ME!

Lots of love from the highschooler,


Who stayed up til 4:19am to finish her graduation board and has two thumbs?

This gal!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Message

I'm so tired of everyone(me included) being stressed out and down in the dumps lately! Even though there's a LOT going on in all of our lives, we still need to try our best to stay encouraged and remember that we all have a greater goal; To help others and to serve God as best we can.

How about we all leave a comment with a Bible verse that we feel can help us out some? I'll start right after I post this. Let's get upbeat again, ok? =]


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let My Love Be Your Blue Skyyy!

I just made my first bracelet EVER! It took FOREVER! Like, an hour and a half at least!

It looks like a cow. Since I put it on my wrist, it's kind of like I made a fat joke towards myself, ya know? Cow...Fat...Me. I knew I should have picked a different color! *mad face*

I've been listening to Francesca Battistelli A LOT lately. Her music is amazing! The beat and tempo of most of her songs are exactly the type that I love! The song "Blue Sky" is SO catchy! Here, imma put it on here, so you can listen to it! :)

*Takes a big whiff and smells food* I THINK that dinner is almost ready, and it smells good. I love you all, but I love food more. JUST kidding...kind of. BYE!


Thursday, April 28, 2011


If you all have read my last post, then I have a little bitty update.

As I forgot to mention, we sent my car to the Steva's, since their Dad is a mechanic! And guess what! I GET MY CAR BACK TOMORROW! He figured out that the problem was the spark plugs.

Believe it or not my friends, I know a little thing or two about cars. One of the things that ran through my mind when I was trying to figure out what the problem was, was that maybe the spark plugs were out. The reason I thought this was because my Mom's car recently had problems, and the problem was the spark plugs.

Just in case you're wondering, the spark plugs are VERY important. They are the reason that your car starts, and continually runs. My Dad tried explaining it to me once. As far as I remember, it goes something like this. The engine has a little thing that runs the gas to the engine. When the gas gets to the engine, the spark plugs make a tiny little spark, that makes the gas explode, which causes something to go up and down, making the engine run. That wasn't very descriptive, and you probably have no idea WHAT I'm talking about, but I tried.

When Mom was on the phone with Mr. Steva, she kind of said little tid-bits that indicated my car was okay. Then she said "I can have it back by tomorrow?!" And I bit my fist like the guy on "Enchanted", then waved my fists around in the air, trying not to be loud while whispering loudly "YES! YES! YES!"

As you may have noticed, I am really excited that my car is okay. I'm really happy that it was JUST the spark plugs, and we didn't have to replace the engine or something. So tomorrow I shall get Maddy back right before the Senior Banquet. Yes, I named my car Maddy. You don't like it? Deal.


Bad/Good Day!

Today was interesting, to say the least. Here's my day.

Wake up and get ready for school. I'm having and "okay" day so far, so I get in the car to go to school. I stop for gas, then continue cruisin' on down the road, singing along to Train songs.

I get RIGHT outside of Hartsville, and my hood starts shaking. I'm just thinking "Oh, it'll go away." Then I hear this LOUD banging noise every time I press down on the gas pedal. I pull over into someone's driveway, having a freak attack in my mind. I'm instantly thinking things like "Oh no, this is like a horror movie where someone's car breaks down right before they get murdered." Yes, I really thought that.

I grab the phone, get out, pop the hood, and call Mom since I didn't have my Dad's number. She didn't pick up the first time, so that made me freak out even MORE! She picked up the second time, I tell her what's wrong and she says the little "OH Sissyyyy!" and she tells me to call Dad. I call Dad, he doesn't know what's wrong with it, so I call Mom back. She tells me to wait for her to come get me.

So I'm sitting in my car, TRYING to calm down. I call Tonya to let her know that I might not be at school. When I'm talking to her, I start to cry, so I told her bye. I looked at myself in the mirror, and told myself to calm down.

When Mom finally gets there, she's all rushing around, freaking out. Some dude pulled over to help push the car out of the driveway. Well we finally got it out of the driveway and Mom took me to school. When I got there, I still was kind of freaked out by all that happened, so I stayed away from people until I calmed down, or else I'd start crying.

Being at school put me in a better mood, and calmed me down a bunch! :D

After school, me and Mom went to Gallatin to shop for MORE stuff for Senior Banquet and graduation, and I ended up getting some cool stuff for myself.

So a bad day turned into a good day because of my awesome friends and cheap prices! :D

Moral of the story: Don't let one bad thing ruin your whole day.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

*sniff sniff*

I love the smell of soap!

Not to mention the sweet aromas of brownies, grass, Ryan, banana flavored candy, pencil shavings, chicken barbecue, sweet pea lotion, fresh mud at a soccer field, clean clothes, and the sweet ocean air.

Yay for a schnoz that can appreciate the smelly things in life!



I have just noticed something recently, and I am NOT happy with it.
I have realized that whenever I hear a curse word now I don't think much of it...WHY?!
I have been working at my job for 2 years now. When I first started, they wouldn't curse as much around me seeing as I was younger. Now they don't care as much. Is it because I'm 18?
And when did I start not caring?! Why am I not totally disgusted at the sound of a curse word?
I am ashamed of myself.
And I will probably be hearing more profanity with my new job too.
I have also been thinking about my daily life. I have realized how bad I've become.
I take pleasure in WAY too many worldly things lately.
I've developed a personality that I don't like. I go with the flow a lot. I follow people when I should be following God.
Do I really want people to like me THAT much?! Why does it matter to me?
Shouldn't God matter more?

This is why I need your help. If you see me doing or saying something I shouldn't, tell me!
Please! I need it! If I'm going to keep my life on track, I need support. If I try it on my own I will fail.

I want to be a Christian example to those around me. Especially at work. But I need to be right myself to do that. So if you are my friend and you love me, help me.

~ Tonya

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


With the Spring weather that's been going on, I've been reintroduced to the blood-sucking bugs that I loathe so fiercely.


Mom left the front door open when darkness was descending, and a myriad of those nasties came rushing in. The kitchen light is surrounded by them, and I was ducking and swatting when trying to retrieve the Cheez-its. Thankfully, I survived.

I don't think you understand how much I hate them. I am so paranoid about mosquitoes that I took the mosquito repellent and completely doused my bedroom door with it. Sure, it now smells weird in my room and it burned my eyes for a short while, but at least I'm not getting the big, itchy sores that mosquito bites bring!

All I can say is...Thank God for bug repellent.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lame-o nothingness post

I'm getting SO super nervous about everything coming up. License, senior banquet, graduation, Summer...good gravy, it's almost overwhelming!

If anyone has any tips they'd like to share as to how to better keep my cool and what to expect during a driver's test, I'd be most appreciative to hear them.

Iffin' no one minds, that is. ;P


Friday, April 22, 2011

So I like noodles....what of it?! O.O

*ahem* I Tonya Michael have FINALLY picked a graduation song!
Thank you, Thank you *bows*

Okay so maybe that was a bit much, but I am really happy
that I finally picked a song...
And ya...that whole flying noodle thing?...I have no idea...
Oh come on, you know you laughed ^.^

~A happy noodle~

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Rather Disgusting Post

Oh, how I miss the days when I was never nauseous, and the only time I ever felt like puking was when I was extremely sick.

For real, I have such a weak stomach nowadays. You spin me around a couple of times, I get nauseous. I see something icky looking, I get nauseous. I smell something weird, I get nauseous. I think you get the picture. I get nauseous a lot! I never actually throw up, which is good.

So I was eating my lunch today while watching part of a movie, and at one part the girl had a plate of food that looked SUPER DISGUSTING, and I lost my appetite completely. I knew if I took another bite, I would hurl. It was....ew. My stomach feels weird now that I'm thinking about it. :P You think I'm kidding, but I'm really not.

Okay, I'm done talking about that gross subject. Just thought you all should know not to purposely eat something around me that looks like something barfed on your plate. :)

Ms. Weak Stomach

Monday, April 18, 2011

Daisy Bell!

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy, all for the love of you.
It won't be a fancy marriage.
And we can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet,
Upon the seat,
Of a bicycle built for two."

I've had that song stuck in my head ALL DAY LONG.

I love it.


People, people, people...

I hate drama. Specifically, boy drama.

I have something I would like to advise to you gals reading this. *clears throat* If you have guy friends, don't think that there's no chance in the world that one will like you. To make it more clear, don't flirt (or whatever you want to call it) with your guy friends thinking that you can do it without any consequences. If you have guy friends and there is no drama, then you are blessed.

I really hate that nowadays if you have a good friend who is of the opposite sex, then other people automatically assume that there is a romantic interest. Can't two people be best friends without adding that extra drama? It's like people WANT to make the two of you feel weird around each other.

I'll give a little itty bitty example. I have a really good guy friend. People, family even, think that I like him. No matter what I say, my family thinks that I'm lying. It's pretty stupid that my family thinks I would lie about something that stupid. They think that just because I feel comfortable around him and I hug him then I like him. -_- Two words. Stue pid.

People irritate me, and it seems to only get worse the older I get.

Sorry for rambling. I just needed to get some stuff out.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I totally just tried to put on mascara...with my glasses on.

Being blonde is such a challenge sometimes.



Monday, April 11, 2011

Tossin' Rocks At My Window

You want to know something really cheesy that I've always dreamed of?

You know how there's the stereotypical thing of boys tossing rocks at a girl's window? I've always dreamed of that happening to me, even though it's next to impossible living way out here in the middle of nowhere.

But somehow, I still have that little glimmer of hope that it's going to happen one day, even though the boy might be faced with my Dad holding a gun. :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


To those of you who have failed to notice, SOMEONE has added a shnazzy new picture to our blog. -->

Is there anyone else out there who loves it as much as I do? It seriously makes me hungry.


Hear that? That was my stomach wanting to eat a picture.



Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kirstin, The Baby

Today at UCA, I almost broke down crying. O_O

I was walking around after choir, and one person came up to me, gave me a hug, and said "I'm really going to miss you next year." Dude, I have never tried that hard not to cry. And then on the way home, I cried a little bit because I kept thinking about how things are going to change. I mean, I really don't want to lose contact with any of my school friends, especially the other Seniors, but it's really inevitable. We'll all move on and most of us will forget about each other.

I'm still excited about graduation, but I really really am going to miss people. There's something about UCA that always makes my week a million times better, and I don't know what I'm going to do without it.

On my way home, right after I stopped crying about the changing, then I started crying AGAIN because of the Armistead's moving. I am really really going to miss them. :(

*wipes tear...literally* Gosh, I need to stop being such a baby. =/

Lots of Teary Love,


Senior banquet is coming up and I am SO EXCITED!!!

Of course, I'm also nervous because I don't know what exactly to expect, but I'm mostly just excited. =]

It will probably be the last big dinner that we will ever eat as Seniors in high school. There's going to be a lot of things that will be our last times doing as official Seniors. It's sort of sad, but mostly just awesome!

Speaking of sort of sad, why must everyone cry at graduations? Shouldn't they be happy occasions? The day to brag that you made it through high school in one piece and you're ready to start the rest of your life? Why must that bring sad tears? If anything, we should be crying tears of joy! Tears of triumph! Tears of bliss!

I can't wait to see all of my friends in their gowns. We're going to look so grown up and spiffy! I hope they aren't some really horrible colors. What if they were like mustard yellow and some type of off shade green? I think I'd puke. Like, for serious, people....

AND THE PICTURES! Oh my goodness, there are SO many pictures coming up in my future! Apparently Senior banquet is a night of pictures, then group Senior pictures, single Senior pictures of myself, then maybe TAKING a few for other's crazy. For the next 2 months, we are the biggest celebrities around.

I could go on and on about this, but I won't, mostly because I have to go to work. If anyone would like to post about their graduation experiences in a comment, that would be awesome. You know, give a bit more insight on what to expect and such. =]


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Graduation Is Right Around The Corner

I'm getting super pumped about graduation! Just imagine wearing those graduation gowns, lookin' all adorable! It's going to be awesome...and scary...and really emotional for me. :D If you, the reader, are going to be at my graduation, don't be surprised when I cry. Notice I didn't say "IF I cry", I said "WHEN I cry." There is no doubt in my mind that there will be tears shed, especially when I'm giving my little speech. Dude, I'm getting teary thinking about it! Chill out, Kirstin! Gosh! *face palm*

Of course, it will be sad that I won't see my UCA peeps very often! That I will miss a lot. I'll miss walking through those doors on Thursday to see smiling faces, and people running to me for a hug! I'll miss going from person to person hugging them, making sure I don't forget anybody. I'll miss being able to sing in the choir, feeling like I belong to something. I'll miss the butterflies I get in my stomach right before going on stage to sing. I'll miss playing on the volleyball team, and feeling the victory after blocking a spike.

I WON'T miss the schoolwork.

I really really really really really hope that somehow they will need someone to help out with something next year at UCA, because I would be the first to volunteer! I would love to help out with anything next year, just as long as I would get to see my friends! If not...I'll visit every once in a while, and will come to any singing event ever!

Your Senior Friend,

The Rambler

I was just sitting here thinking, when I had this thought.

"Kirstin, you should really have Amanda take pictures of your weird poses. Like walking through the hallway trying to be quiet and ninja-like."

If anybody has seen me do that, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's not something that you can easily forget. It's hilarious, stupid, and kind of creepy. I can't do it with a straight face, just because I know it looks really ridonkulous.

I remember once I was walking in a mall talking to one of my friends (I forgot which one) and I said a word in a really weird way, and some guy who heard me looked at me, repeated the word, then shook his head like I was a weirdo or somethin'. It was kind of rude, but still humorous.

Hey, guess what I did yesterday out of boredom? Well I'll sure tell you! :D Ryan was at the soccer fields, and my Mom was in Gallatin, so I was home by myself. Facebook got boring, I couldn't think of anything that I hadn't already done inside. So I put on my work boots, ventured outside to the tool shed, and I RAKED LEAVES FOR FUN! -_-

I think I might have OCD. O.o If there are a few pencils next to eachother, I can't stand seeing them out of order. I sort them from tallest to shortest, tallest closest to the paper. If someone's shoelace is untied, it will bug me to no end until they tie it. If I get into a cleaning mood, I clean so stinking thoroughly. It's quite shocking, really.

How the heck did I go from creepy poses to obsessive compulsive disorder? I really should work on not rambling. *shakes head and walks away*


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have been feeling totally NOT smart lately...I know that I don't have a genius' brain, but I wish I felt like a had an average one at least. I've been studying to take the ACT and I've been doing algebra and geometry test problems...At best I got 3 out of 7 right...I mean come on! I guess I really do have a bad memory, because you'd think I'd at least remember a little bit of what I learned when I took algebra! I did even worse in geometry...

I feel like everyone is so much smarter than me. Kirstin helped me with some math that I had worked 2 hours on and couldn't figure it out and she got it on the first try. And have you seen some of the stuff Kirstin and Amanda have been posting? Not just here but on their personal blogs. I mean why can't I be smart enough to think of some of this stuff? I'm not saying I dislike them for it, the stuff they post helps me in life. And I hope I'm not coming of as jealous. I just wish I could be the one helping someone with my thoughts sometimes...

~A not so average Tonya~

Monday, April 4, 2011

Why Change?

You know something I noticed? When some girls like a guy, they try changing themselves to make them more attractive to that guy. For example, lets say a girl likes a guy who is obsessed with video games. The girl will probably either try to learn about games the boy likes, or tell the boy that she LOVES video games, so the guy is more open to her. Or she knows that the boy only likes girly girls, then she'll make herself more girly. You know what I mean?

The only changing we should ever do to ourselves is make ourselves more Christlike, because if the guy only likes you for your interests or looks, it WILL NOT LAST! A teen's interests change like *snap fingers* THAT, and looks will most definitely fade away. Don't try to change yourself to make yourself "perfect" for that guy, because if he truly loves you, he's going to love you no matter what. I forget that all the time.

It's very hard for me to remember that everything is in God's hands. It's so easy to forget that He's in control of everything, including your future spouse! I spend too much time thinking about who "the one" is, that I forget God knows who that one is. God will reveal that guy to me on His time, and I need to stop worrying that I'm going to miss it! I don't need to date other guys to find the right one, God is just going to have to show him to me when the time is right. I have confidence in that.

Lots of Love,

Sunday, April 3, 2011


For those of you who don't know, I will be taking my license test at the end of this month.

Am I nervous? Heck yeah, I am! Seriously. I have SO much pressure going on, because everyone I ask says how easy the test is, meaning that if I fail it, I will suck at life.

If I can just keep my cool though, I think I'll do fine. I just know that once the day of the test arrives, I will be SO shaky and panicked with nerves. I was a mess from just a permit test; This will be DRIVING...with a LEBANON. That previous sentence was basically a heart attack in words.

I would actually REALLY appreciate some prayers, guys(or rather, gals...). I need to find me a good vehicle of my own to drive and I also need to get my confidence boosted quite a bit. I'm getting sick nervous just thinking about all of it...



So I'm thinking of using The Call by Regina Spektor as my graduation song.

Thoughts or comments?


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Matchmakers Can Be Annoying...

It seems like every time I start to be really good friends with a guy, everyone automatically assumes that we like each other or that we are going out, and I'm bombarded with questions.

NEWSFLASH, just because I am really good friends with a guy does NOT mean that I am attracted to him! Right now I am not interested in ANY of my guy friends, so keep that little tid bit in mind when your inner matchmaker starts to whisper in your ear!

I honestly just wish I could have ONE really good guy friend that I can talk to all I want without everyone asking "Oh do you like him?! Are you two going out?! WHEN'S THE WEDDING?!"...Yes, someone has asked me "When is the wedding?" -_-

So yeah....uhhh bye!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Man, I haven't posted in forever >.>

So! I'm gunna graduate. ._.

Usually right about now you would insert insane happy screaming.
What you get from me is a simple yay.
Not that I'm not happy about graduating...I am.
I mean no more school? Heck yeah!
But it also means I'm growing up...and I will have more responsibilities.
I have to find a college to go to. (I've decided to go for a language degree by the way)
And pretty soon I will have to move out, because let's face it, no one wants to be the 30-year-old living with the parents.
I still haven't decided on my graduation song, so if anyone has any ideas feel free to suggest.
I think I should pick something that's ME.
I've been thinking about doing a Japanese song...Like the classic Japanese instruments.
OR me and my sister were thinking about composing a song together,
her on the piano and me on the guitar.
BUT I don't know. So suggestions are welcome.

But anywayz, I have to go watch my lovely nephew.


Friday, March 25, 2011

The Last Days of Childhood...

So I am having the HARDEST time trying to think of what song I'm gonna have at graduation! How about you guys?

*Gags* may be wondering why I was gagging just then. Well friends, I'll tell you why, but I'll warn's nasty. *Clears throat* Mom and Dad totally just had a smooch-o-rama in front of me. EW! I mean, for real, they could at least have waited for me to leave the room before they sucked face!

Okay, moving on. Graduation is less than two months away. O_O Whoa, dude. WHOA! Two more months of high school, and that's IT! I'm kind of excited about it, but I still wish I could have a little more time. But still, NO MORE SCHOOL! Ahhh, how blissful that shall be! :)

Okie dokie, just thought I'd leave a little somethin' somethin' before going to bed! :D Good night, all!

Lots of love,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yearbook Class

So I'm in yearbook class right now......-_-

Lucky for me, Mr. Counts' laptop wasn't working today, so I didn't have to do anything today! YAY!!! You have no idea how stressful this class is for me. I feel super pressured all the time to do a good job. I think Mr. Counts has it out for me, because he's constantly on my case. -_-

Like right now for example, he just accused me of breaking his computer. I know he's joking and all, but for real...FOR REAL. He JUST accused me of breaking his camera! AHHHH!

Lucky for me, I got brownie points for taking an epic beyond epic picture of Carey doing shot put. AMAZINGGG! For real.


Okie dokie, adios amigos!

Lots of love,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Some things are just too good to NOT be shared.

Feast your eyes(and ears) upon this, readers and friends.

I give of my latest song obsessions.



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Turn To Vent...

I'm going to vent juuuust a wee bit, alrighty girls?

As you know, I love my job. I really do. I think I got super lucky to get a job that I not only enjoy, but that I'm also pretty gosh darn good at, too.

I think that's part of my problem, though. NO ONE talks to me at work. NO ONE. I have 2 people who talk to me that are friendly, nice, funny, and that I feel I can ask questions to without feeling stupid, and that's IT. Everyone else hates me.

I don't know if it's just because of me being good and having the managers tell me that in front of everyone or if it's because I'm still "The New Kid". Maybe it's a mixture of both those things. I don't know...all I know is that I don't like it one little bit.

That's not to say that I'm going to start failing at my job, because I'm not. If the two people that are nice don't work the same shifts as me, then I'll just keep my mouth shut and get the job done while being ignored. It's no big deal as long as I keep my eye on the prize(prize being lots o' money and free drinks).

I just wish I could fit in a bit more, you know? Being the outcast is no fun.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Isn't There A Dance Called The "Cha Cha"?

The current iPod playlist that has been playing nonstop in my room all day:

Time Stands Still - All American Rejects
One More Sad Song - AAR (All American Rejects)
Drive Away - AAR
Dirty Little Secret - AAR
Night Drive - AAR
Dance Inside - AAR
Can't Take It - AAR
Don't Stop Believin' - Glee Cast
Somebody To Love - Glee
No Air - Glee
Keep Holding On - Glee
Lean on Me - Glee
True Colors - Glee
We Might as Well Be Strangers - Keane
Untouchable - Taylor Swift
Sparks Fly - Tay Swift
The Story Of Us - Tay Swift
Rain Falls Down - We the Kings
Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble
Hold On - Michael Buble

I don't even know why I'm posting this, because it truly has no importance whatsoever! But oh well, I was bored, and this provided something to do.

So Tonya needs to post WAY MORE! :D All in favor, say I! *Bunch of little people in Kirstin's brain scream "IIIII!" while one emo one says "Uhhh...nay?"*

Have you ever wondered what things would be like if certain events in your life had not happened? I'm not saying I would change things, by any means! The big things that happened in my life have made me...well, ME! I totally would NOT be the same chick if I had not met Tonya or Amanda! ESPECIALLY Tonya! She's the one who made me be more open to my crazy side! She's the reason I'm not shy! Which is kind of weird that we switched places a little...She used to be outgoing, and I was it's the other way around. WEIRD!

Am I the only one who had that awkward stage from the ages 12-14ish? For real....ew. Not only did I not know how to dress, do my hair, put on makeup, or speak properly, but I just acted STUPID! I mean, I know I still act pretty stupid, but then, I WAS WEIRD! Ew...the memories are overpowering! *freaks out* At least I never got braces! :D Although, that ONE tooth of mine needs it! *touches jacked up tooth*

In response to Amanda's last blog about being little...I agree. I miss those days SO MUCH! I miss being able to wear ANYTHING I wanted to and still managing to be so stinking adorable! I could have a mullet, double chin, and a red face from crying and STILL LOOK CUTE! I mean, come on! LOOK AT THAT PICTURE! Aren't I cute?! :D *squeals at my own cuteness* Ahhh...the good ole days! *has a major reminiscing moment*

Wait a on earth did I go from talking about music to little kid pictures? I don't even know...but hey, my mind has gone through 100 different subjects in the time it took to write this. That's a girl's brain for ya! :D

Lots of Love,

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I miss the days where my Mom dressed me and did my hair. I miss being able to wear whatever and getting away with it. I miss how no matter how frizzy and fluffy my hair was, everyone thought it was cute. I miss being able to do anything I wanted in a picture and it be a decent picture, always.

Now days, things aren't like that. My hair doesn't look good unless I mess with it a good amount, I look terrible in candid pictures, and my clothes have to match my mood.

The Baby Days was the life. Not only was it easier with appearance, but the problems in life!

The biggest issues was never having enough attention. I was a huge attention hog. If people weren't looking at me or paying attention to me, I would force them to look. I sang, I danced, I talked endlessly...I was like the little orphan Annie of my day.

Why am I rambling about any of this? I have no idea...


Single, but Happy!

I just thought I'd share something that God REALLY showed me with what has happened within the past week...*cough* you two (Amanda and Tonya) know what I'm talking about I do believe.

He showed me that I DO NOT NEED A BOYFRIEND TO BE HAPPY! For real! I used to be so sickeningly mopey, and that would be ALL that I'd think about! "If I JUST had a boyfriend, then things would be better, I'd be happier!" Umm...WRONG! There are SO MANY GREAT THINGS ABOUT BEING SINGLE! I am now actually really happy with the fact that I'm single!

Another thing he showed me was that I was NOT putting God as my #1. In all honesty, my #1 has been boys. They were all I'd think about. You could call that boy crazy. Now, I realize how stupid of a thing that was to do! No boy will EVER EVER EVERRR love me as much as God does! No boy will ever sacrifice more than Jesus did! But I mean, if I already didn't put God as my #1, how much harder would it be if I had a boyfriend?

I honestly think that America's culture pressures teenagers to be in a relationship! It's got girls thinking "I've never had a boyfriend, so I must not be good enough." It's got you thinking that if you don't have a boyfriend, then something is wrong with you. Honestly, it bugs me more than anything when adults (especially Aunts and Uncles) ask me "Well why don't YOU have a boyfriend, Kirstin?" Since I've never had one, I'm surprised they haven't asked my parents if I'm gay.

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that I don't need a boyfriend right now. I have tons of friends who love me and who I enjoy being around, and that's enough for me! I know that I have a bunch of friends who I can go to if I ever need a hug or need to talk about whatever!

So goodbye, sappy/mopey/lame Kirstin!

The Single One

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Convention is tomorrow!! I'm super excited....and also super nervous, which is probably why I'm writing in this blog at 10:30 instead of sleeping. It's my first year going, and also my only year going, so I'm nervous. wanna do good so I don't embarrass myself and look back on it with the "If only I hadn't done that" thought. We all know how that goes. So anyways, I really hope I have a roommate that I know well. It'll be weird being roomed with someone you hardly talk to....which is kind of bad when you think about it because it's not very nice not to talk to someone a lot that you see everyday. I'll be gone for 5 days. I'm kind of glad to be away from the family though, even though that sounds really bad. It just gets kind of boring when you're with them ALL the time...maybe I'm just being a weird teenager when it comes to that. Anyways, now I'm rambling which is a clear sign that I need to go to sleep. (can you ramble while typing??) So, wish me and Kirstin luck at convention! (I wish Amanda was going T.T I won't see her for 5 whole days!!!) I love you Puma! So with that....Oyasumi! (Good Night) *Psst* that was Japanese by the way...Teehee! ^_^


Friendships and Encouragement

Wow...I haven't wrote anything this month? I'M SUCH A FAILURE! Cut me some slack, though; It's only the 6th. =P

Anyways, I don't actually have anything to say...

I'm super tired. I wasn't supposed to wake up until 9:30, and yet, here I am, eyes wanting to close, mind not being able to sleep.

Last night, I dreamed about working at McDonald's. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could still here the fry beeper, and in my dream, I was just watching cars drive by the drive-thru window and I was handing out drinks as fast as I could.

I think that's what you call an "unhealthy dream". That must be why I'm so tired; I didn't actually get any sleep, because I was "working" all night!

I really do enjoy my job so far. It's sort of hard trying to get in with the crew, though. It's a lot like school. Everyone has their groups and I'm the new girl. I'm SUPER thankful for the three people there who actually talked to me a lot and helped me without making me feel stupid.

Their help and encouragement that I would get the hang of it in no time reminded me a lot of the To Save A Life Bible study that the youth group at my church is doing right now. Before they talked to and helped me, I felt very alone and very unwanted. After they befriended me though, I had a lot more self confidence, I was more outgoing, and my nerves were calmed down a bit.

If I, a girl who already has a few friends, can feel lonely in a crowded work place and feel elated at the thought of attempted friendship, just imagine how we can make someone else feel; Someone who isn't as blessed as us to have a close-knit group of friends. All we have to do is reach out to them, show them that you noticed they were alone and you want to fix that.

Being a friend is just so simple! Wow...I love being able to apply my Bible studies to real life so obviously. =D


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yet Another.....

Okay, So I need to let some more stuff out. I apologize for my depressing stress-filled posts.
So my mom went into the hospital a couple months ago for A-fib. If you don't know what that is it's where the chambers of your heart beat irregularly. You have 2 chambers in your heart and it's where the top chamber isn't really doing full beats....It just kind of flutters and so the bottom chamber is beating harder and faster to try to even itself out and make up for the top. So when it does that you go into a-fib...yeah, it's kinda weird.
So, her chest started hurting yesterday really bad, and her arm was going numb. So they sent her to the hospital to make sure she wasn't having a heart attack. It wasn't a heart attack but she had to stay overnight. She's fine now that she's home. So, I had to go get her and take her home when she got was raining and stupid me I took the back roads to the you can guess from the last sentence that I had a wreck. I was going around the LAST curve before you get to the hospital and I didn't judge it right so I went a little too fast. So I went off the road and hit a wooden fence post that was sticking out from a torn down fence. It dented my back left side pretty bad. I was still able to drive mom home so that's good. At least I didn't total it, and at least it was my car, so they didn't lose their money to my stupidness. So anyways guess what that means? Working full-time for a while, yay!!.....yeah....So anyways, Dad got mad, I have to pay for it to get fixed, and on top of that convention is in 2 days!! Talk about freaking out. Not to mention how long it will take me to live this down.....

So, I feel like a bad driver now....So now that I've got that all out there, I hope that everyone won't make fun of me for it, or tell me what a bad driver I am because I already feel like it.....So I guess with that I will go....and again I am sorry for yet another depressing post. I will try to write happier ones in the future.


Here's To You

Here lately I've been contemplating why I, Kirstin Joelle Tucker, like giving and getting hugs so much. I came to this conclusion.

I like receiving hugs because they make me feel loved and safe, especially if the giver is a guy. I just feel like nothing can ever hurt me.

I like giving hugs because I hope that somehow I make people feel loved, too.

Sometimes I wonder if the people close to me really realize how much they mean to me, or if they think that they are JUST another person that I know. Sure, i'm not the nicest person out there and I don't always say the right thing, but I hope that my friends know that even if I am joking around with them and "teasing" them, I really do love them and I wouldn't be the same without them.

So friends, here's to you.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Love My School

Performance night at UCA was just as I imagined it would be, but better.

My first performance was the mixed quartet with Ashley, Jon, and Carey. I knew I would be nervous, but not as nervous as I got. I got so nervous that I started gagging. -_- Ew, I know. Anyways, we did pretty well. :)

Before me and Tonya went up for our duet, I was actually pretty calm. I wasn't gagging at least! We did okay, except my voice was shaking because my heart was beating so fast.

I think I have a singing superpower. Because I can be a nervous WRECK, but as soon as I walk through the doors onto the stage, I look like the calmest person in the world. Of course, as soon as I exit the stage and walk out of the doors, I'm freaking out like a loon.

Once I got completely done with everything but the large ensemble, I was so happy because I had no reason to be nervous! :D

I love UCA. It's THE school to go to if you ever need a hug! We are a hugging school, okay? Don't like it? Build a bridge and get over it.

UCA is the best school in the world, peoples. Just saying!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Happy Birthday To Youuu!"


I'm still having trouble believing that my little Tonya is 18 years old! It's hard to think that we've known each other for like 8 years. O_O

So, being the only underage girl who has publishing rights on this blog, I now feel like a child. *cries*

So anyways, today we had a little birthday party at Tonya's house where we ate JAPANESE FOOD! It. was. EPIC! For real, I never thought that I would love sushi, but the sushi they made was goooood! :D You could say that I loved it.

OH MY GOSH! WE FORGOT TO SING YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Okay, you know what? I gotz an idea to fix that. :) But i'm not gonna tell you! :D Muahahahaha!

Since it is Tonya's birthday, I feel the need to say a little something speciallll! :D

Tonya, you are like the little sister I never had (I only say little, because you are tiny, and you act offense). I don't think I could love you any more than I do now, I'm sure if I loved you more, then I would explode. You are the most adorable person I know, and you make me wanna pinch your cheeks like a grandma! :D Wait wait wait, what was it that I said that you said your grandma says? Uhhh...oh yeah! "You look like a little doll!" You got big ole eyes, poifect skin, a tiny little nose and mouth, and you have the ability to look cute all the time. Fo realz, girl, fo realz.



Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Proposal in love.

I am in love with a toaster pastry from Heaven. Po P. Tart has won my heart over so many times, that I've finally decided to give in and just ask him to marry me.

Though his looks are quite attractive, it's really the inside that counts. I just can't live without his wonderfully sweet taste.That ooey gooey center that makes my taste buds dance the jive? Mm.

Even though our meetings are usually brief, I still love him to no end. Every time my mouth meets his pastry crust, I get chills of excitement. If I pass him in the store, my nerves go out of whack and I simply can't resist the urge to go see him.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...

Po P. Tart...will you marry me?


Convention 101 for Girls

So Convention is almost upon us. Me and Tonya are going, but not Amanda. :(

So with Convention coming, I would like to say some things to prepare Tonya (and other girls from UCA going) for Convention.

1) If you have many singing events, you are VERY rushed on the singing day. You are constantly either getting ready to sing or getting told what time you have to sing. Plus, with nervousness, it makes you seem even more rushed, so try to keep calm.

2) If you do not get the proper amount of sleep BEFORE Convention, then you will have a HARD week. I made that mistake last year.

3) Since all of our boys at school are totally adorable and sweet, the girls from other schools will gravitate towards them and follow some of them around all week. This, in turn, makes the girls from our school get irritated and want to PUNCH THOSE GIRLS IN THE FACE! But, keep calm and do NOT actually punch them, because you will get sent home.

4) If a random guy from another school comes up to you and talks to you, just casually talk back. If the guy is a creeper, then you find an excuse to leave the conversation as quickly as possible. (Again, from experience.)

5) I've learned from guys at our school that they get jealous when other guys talk to us girls, since our school has also got some of the prettiest and sweetest girls. If you do not want to make them jealous, then don't talk to any other guys. If you DO want to make them jealous, talk to as many boys as possible.

6) By the the middle to the end of the week, some of the girls get a tad moody, so try not to purposely annoy unless you want a cat fight.

7) Nobody really obeys the 6-inch rule between boys and girls. We high-five a lot, and sit by each other to watch games and stuff, we just don't hug. Last year, right after convention was actually OVER, everyone was hugging, so just look forward to the last day.

8) Try not to do a lot of screaming (as in, cheering for people or just screaming for the heck of it) the day before the singing day! Last year, Ellen was screaming for somebody to win, and she lost her voice on the singing day. So just don't do a lot of screaming, okay?

9) BRING SNACKS! For real, they are lifesavers!

10) And finally, bring a backpack or other big bag. You have to bring everything you need or have to change into to the campus every day. I always brought extra shoes, extra socks, extra pantyhose, SNACKS, an extra shirt, everything! I was always prepared. :)

You have read Convention 101 for Girls. Thank you and goodbye.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

The White Limousine In My Front Yard...And Asians

So! Tonight was a pretty cool night. Why? you ask. Well It all started with dad putting our fish tank up for sale on Cragslist. So he gets a call that people wanna come buy it. So they get here and pull up in a white limousine...ya, it was awesome. So I'm waiting for them to come inside. And just to tell you, I must have this awesome sense of intuition or something because before they even pulled up I was thinking to myself, "Wouldn't it be awesome if they were Asian people?.." So they come in the door, and who walks in? This really awesomely cute Chinese dude! I was like O.O Oh My Word!! Of course I didn't show it on my face, but I was totally freaking out. So he had two other older men with him. As we were getting everything ready they were speaking Chinese to each other. As you know, I am a super Asian freak. Preferably Japanese, but hey! Getting to hear people speak Chinese in my living room?!? Schea!! And the dude had the cutest accent when he talked English! I am such a sucker for Asian accents! So, I just wanted to share this experience at the top of my awesome list. Hope you enjoyed and didn't get too bored. Later Tater!

~ Tuna ~

My Thoughts As Of This Moment

I like knowing that SOME people don't think of me as a creeper, according to the poll on the right. Thank you, my good friends, for choosing Amanda over me. :)

Now onto other things...

Ummmm.........BACON! Oh wait, I already made a post about that...

Don't you just love cookie dough ice cream? If you don't love it, leave this blog (or go to the doctor), because you're just not right. Cookie dough ice cream is the closest thing to heaven on earth. It's just so...*screams*. Yeah, that.

TOMORROW NIGHT IS THE ALUMNI/PARENT NIGHT!!!! *screams louder* I am sooo freakin' excited! Us volleyball girls are going to kick some alumni booty! :D At least, I hope we will...O_O

So we started the "To Save A Life" bible study last night at's so super good. Whoever reads this blog should come! For real, I've already gotten so much out of it after just ONE Wednesday night! :D

So basically, I love UCA. Going there always makes me feel better. The people there are awesome and amazing and loving, and it's just a good atmosphere. :D I WANNA GO BACK NOW! (Even though I just got home like 2 hours ago.)

That is all my good people! My audience (kitties and family) awaits!


A complaint

According to the current poll on this site, Kirstin and I are equally creepy.

ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?! I mean, c'mon! Kirstin is waaaay more creepy than I am! She has face spasms, she's jumpy, she makes weird faces, she recognizes EVERYONE from Facebook, and she likes squirrels just a wee bit too much.

Dear readers, I am disappointed in you. To think me creepy when Kirstin is clearly the creepiest one out of the three is just...psht. I can't even describe it.

There's only one day left in the poll, people. Vote and set the world right again.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snails and Sleep

I must be tired to be acting so stupid. I was just looking through "like" pages on facebook when I found these three and died laughing...I still have tears in my eyes.

"Ask me if I'm a snail."
"Ask me if I'm a snail."
"Ask me if I'm a snail."
"Ask me if I'm a snail."

You: "I'm a turtle!"
Friend: "No you're not!"
You: "Yes I am."
Friend: "Come over here and prove it!"
You: *crawls really slowly over to them with a pillow on your back*

"When I'm bored, I shave my head, paint myself green, sit in the corner, and pretend to be a watermelon."

Woo-whee! I need sleep.

yu765676y76767676767667fvgfgvccfcffdghxstr *the previous was a result of Kirstin falling asleep on the computer*


Random Thought...

I love the feeling I get whenever I use up all 2 gigs on my SD camera card.

It makes me feel like a real trigger happy photographer.

Maybe because I am?



Friday, February 18, 2011

The Bacon Creeper

I hope that I'll always love bacon as much as I do now. Bacon is the next best thing to Chuck Norris. I bet Chuck Norris eats bacon for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner! Because bacon is that good. Did I mention that I love bacon? Oh yeah, that's right, I did. >.> I LOVE BACOOOOON!

So yeah, I'm a little obsessed, but so what? Yeah, I'm also a creeper, but so what?

Do you think I'm a creeper? I'm not asking Amanda or Tonya though, because I know FOR A FACT that they will say yes. Comment your answer below!


Old Cranberries?

So I went to Walmart today with my mom.

We went to get some granola bars, and while we were in that aisle, there were two older ladies who met up and started chatting.

One was looking for a certain type of snack called "Breakfast On the Go", but it had to be in the green box and it HAD to be the ones with the cranberries.

It was pretty much the funniest and cutest thing ever when we overheard them talking behind us...

"I like the one with the cranberries and the nuts and the oats...does that one have cranberries? I like the cranberries."

I want to be like that when I'm a curly headed old woman. I want to have an old friend who will help me to find the cranberries, too.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just a thought...

Want to hear something silly?

Sometimes I feel bad for NOT having any problems in my life. Isn't that dumb?

I see my friends and hear about their problems or issues in life, and I feel bad for them. But then I start feeling guilty because my life just isn't like that.

For some reason, God has blessed me with an insanely easy life. I hardly ever have any drama, I have amazing people around me that keep me sane, and I have a roof over my head. He has given me so much to be thankful for, and hardly anything to resent.

Maybe I actually DO have problems and I just haven't noticed them. I'm not going to lie; Some days I'll be able to compose a small list of complaints, but even then, those complaints are just silly things compared to what all is going right for me.

Of course, I'm not trying to sound any more special or any more blessed than anyone else. That's not my intention at all, and that's also SO not the case. It's just something that I notice quite often, so I thought I would share it.

This isn't a place to keep secrets, right?

My dear friends, if you are feeling down or overly stressed, just remember that you have friends here and Above that will always help you out as best they can, if you just give them the chance.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Well, Since Tonya Did It....

It's venting time for me too.

For the past few weeks, all I have wanted to do is cry. I'm one of those overly tearful people who get teary-eyed over small things. I would probably cry more often if my eyes didn't get so red and puffy. I'm starting to scare myself though, because I'm getting too good at covering up what I'm really feeling.

I've been feeling like I'm not good enough for anybody. I mean, I know it doesn't matter what other people think because I know that God loves me more than anything, but it's hard to remember that sometimes. I feel so selfish, because I really have no legit reason to feel that crappy. Nothing drastic has happened to make me start feeling that way. One good thing though, is that I usually forget that feeling once I'm around a lot of people, which is why I like going to see my friends so much.

So yeah...just don't feel bad for me, because it will make me feel worse knowing that I made other people sad or something.


Venting (don't feel obligated to read)

Okay, so I need to let some stuff out or else I'll keep it in so long that I'll burst into tears sometime when I don't expect it...

Sometimes I feel like I'm a failure. Especially at work. I have low self-esteem and I need to change that. I hate the feeling I have when I think that everyone thinks that I'm not good enough or don't do a good job. I do my best and it still doesn't seem like it's good enough sometimes. I hate that feeling. And I hate it when someone in my family is upset because it makes me upset too. They get stressed and don't mean to take it out on me but it happens sometimes. And it makes me feel sucky...I hate it. I am so glad I have God and awesome friends in my life, because without them I would be lost. I would probably be an introverted, depressed person. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like without God in it. It's scary to think about....

So pretty much the point of this entry has become how grateful I am for my friends, and for God. You guys help me forget all my troubles and stress. They always make me smile when I feel like I'm about to cry. I honestly don't know what I'd do without them. I didn't tell anyone but I really felt like I wanted to cry tonight. But they made it all disappear. I love them more than they could know. I just wanted them to know that. =) I love you guys!



"'Cause You've Gotta Have Friiiiends!"

I majorly love how people have the ability to change for the better(and worse, but let's not talk about that). We change personally, mentally, spiritually,'s pretty amazing.

I could make this a super serious blog post about how I've changed into what I hope is a better person who knows more about God, is more outgoing to others, and likes to talk to random strangers, but I'm not going to. What I want to talk about is the gals.

Tonya, Kirstin, and myself have changed SO much since we first met. It's really something else looking back to the then and seeing the now. Just take a look at the photo to the left.

Yikes! We were nothing but mere children, ones who didn't realize how much fun we would have in the coming years.

What's weird is how our personalities have changed. Back then, me and Kirstin were the shy ones, and Tonya was more outgoing. She was loud, and we were quiet. Of course, we also changed physically. I got used to letting my hair down more, Tonya clipped, layered, and highlighted her hair, and Kirstin got taller and more gorgeous.

It's funny, but we've always loved taking stupid pictures together. Maybe that doesn't seem funny to others, but to me, it just makes me glad that I could find a posse that can have fun taking pictures without doing those stupid, "I'm a nasty girl who sticks my butt and lips out and thinks it looks hawt" pictures. Gosh, I hate those...

Me and my gals, though? We've taken some really funny pictures together. Tonya has a dramatic face, and Kirstin and I? Well...we have insane ugly face making skills. Kirstin is what I like to call a "Rubber Face". She makes some of the best faces EVER.

If that doesn't prove our mad skills, I don't know what does.

Another great thing about us is how we ALWAYS have fun together, no matter where we are. Check out these pictures from Walmart!

To me, those pictures just SCREAM, "We are awesome!"

I always look forward to any time I can see and spend time with both of these amazing girls, whether it be separate or together. They just have a way of always making a day brighter, no matter what's going on elsewhere.

Love you, Jean and Tuna! =D


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Workin' Woman

So, my first day of actual labor is this coming Thursday. I'm working 12 to 4. I really wish I had been working 9 to 5 so I could sing along with Dolly Parton in my head...

That was a lie. I don't actually want to work at 9 in the morning. I just really like that song.

Anyways! I'm trying to stay focused on the subject at hand. Work. Work. Work. Work. Cheese! NO! FOCUS, AMANDA!

I'm sort of nervous, but mostly excited. I mean, it will FINALLY be some work! I'll be getting paid, I'll get to be around new people, and I'll have a snazzy new uniform. Can anyone say "awesome sauce"?!

Gosh, I seem to immature in this post. I feel really stupid tonight. I think it's sort of like my body's natural defense against maturity. If I start growing up at all, I instantly have some weird stupidity rebound.

I have issues.



You could say I'm feeling stressed out right now. You could say that I'm so stressed out that I could cry. There's way too much stuff to do!

1 - I have to draw a really good picture for convention.
2 - I need to perfect my choir songs for convention.
3 - Tomorrow alone I have volleyball practice, school, and church.
4 - Thursday I have yearbook. Yearbook class is majorly stressing me out because I feel like I never get anything good enough.
5 - I have to think about "my future" (college, that is) considering I'm a Senior. :P
6 - I'm stopping here because this list could continue for a long time, and don't want to bore you.

Now all this might sound like nothing compared to people who are REALLY busy, but I hate feeling rushed. I feel guilty right now for sitting down instead of drawing that picture, or practicing my songs.

Now off to draw. -_-

Signed, a very rushed individual,


HI! I'm Amanda! My first post on this blog is not a happy one, unfortunately. It's one that causes me great pain to relive.

THE DAY I BROKE MY HIP(or so it feels)

So there I am, typing away on the computer, when Mom suddenly hollars for me. Me being a good daughter, I jump up right away and head for my bedroom door. As I'm running towards my door though, I somehow manage to run my hip right into this island table that's in my room. I lift the whole table off of the floor and move it a good 5 inches. Not seeing what's so painful about this? Read on.

When I say I ran my hip into that table, when I mean is that I basically rammed my hip bone into the corner of that deckin' table, and did what feels like a 180 on my back. It hurt so bad, that I couldn't even breathe. Now my back hurts like heck, my hip bone is red and bruised, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a cane.

Sad thing is, I've done the same thing before with a HUGE glass table a few years ago. It also hurt really bad, but not anywhere as bad as this time does. Ugh...

There's your first lesson about me, dear readers. I'm a huge klutz.



right now i'm typing with my nose...i probably look like a chicken. bock...

That was weird. O_O

Hi, I'm Kirstin! *holds out hand*

Hola, mi amigos! :D

First off, I would like to thank Tonya and Amanda for deciding to do this blog with me. I got SO tired of having my own blog, because it just got boring.

So hi, I'm Kirstin. I'm the youngest out of us three gals. Tonya and I are a year and a half apart and Amanda and I are two years apart. You really can't tell by our looks, though. They look younger than their age, and I look older; not to toot my own horn or anything, but uh....TOOOOOOOT!

Most of the time, I feel like the boring one. I have my creative, witty, and funny moments, but most of the time I'm pretty chill. Unless I'm hyper, of course...then I'm all up in your grill and I make weird noises.

I feel weird just talking about myself so uhhhh......>.> hey, there's a squirrel outside my window! Aww it's a little cutieee!

Adios, amigos!
